The Morocco Store


The Morocco Store, 2013 (frame 320mm x 220mm) print size,170 x 120 mm, Giclée print, Limited edition.


The Morocco Store, 2013 (framed) 170 x 120 mm, Giclée print, Limited edition of 25.

I first visited Morocco Street in 1986, when I was running a delivery company for museums and art galleries in London. I then moved to the area in June 1988.

The name “The Morocco Store” painted on the building has always made me smile. In my imagination, it is an exclusive clothes shop where the young and fashionable visit to buy expensive garments made by famous designers. This was long before the Fashion and Textile Museum arrived in 1996.

Morocco Store small

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Frame Size

22cm x 32cm, 30cm x 40cm, 50cm x 70cm