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Scratch from Richard Miller on Vimeo.

My animated film, “Scratch”, gets a rare screening as part of the #BermondseyArtTrail at the Shortwave Cinema, Bermondsey Square, on 12 July 2015.

Recently transferred to digital format and with the addition of music by Jeremy Sherman, the animation made in 1979 was created by scratching and colouring directly onto the film surface.

There is a rich tradition of artists working directly with the film surface, and Norman McLaren and Len Lye both worked closely with colour, shapes and movement. My film “Scratch” sits within this tradition.

‘Scratch’, which runs for 2 minutes 14 seconds, will be shown along with other films by Bermondsey-based artists. The first screening is at 2pm, with a second showing at 3pm. Entrance is free, and the lineup also includes works by Rebecca Fairman, Helen Schell, Barbara Monteiro, Anton Hecht, Rua Acorn, Liam Rogers, Trisha McCrae, Michael Davies and Bada Song.

I will be at the StockMKT event being held in Bermondsey Square straight after the film show from 4pm to 10pm, so why not come and say “Hello”?